Achieve Your Target Grade in Half the Time

Transform Lectures into Notes, Flashcards, Quizzes, Podcasts, and Practice Exams.

Let AI Revolutionize Note-taking

Effortless notes, better grades. Master the art of studying with our AI-powered note-taking app.


AI Note-taking

Automatically generate study guides, quizzes, and flashcards from lecture notes.

Study Remotely

Access your study materials anytime, anywhere with our app.

Utilize AI ethically to improve your grades and academic performance.

Grade Boost

Empowering Smarter Studying Decisions

Coconote is dedicated to simplifying the study process using innovative AI technology for students worldwide.

Founded by a team of tech enthusiasts passionate about education and efficiency in learning   

Success Stories with Coconote

Discover how students have excelled in their studies with the help of our revolutionary app.

SmartEd Solutions

SmartEd Solutions, an educational provider, improved student engagement and exam scores by 25% using our note-taking app.

Academic Ace Institute

Academic Ace Institute reported a 30% increase in student retention rates after implementing our AI-powered study tools.


Instantly turn your lecture into organized notes, flashcards, quizzes, podcasts, and more. Coconote helps you improve your grade by using AI that doesn’t break your University’s honor code.

Totally; as long as your professor is cool with you audio recording the class (we’ve never seen someone who isn’t). Coconote doesn’t answer questions for you or help you cheat. If you’re looking for that, try one of our competitors but beware of the risks! Coconote helps you *actually* learn course material at a faster pace. Coconote is completely legal by any University gudieline and code of ethics.

Yes, Coconote is available for iPhone! The app is free to download and use. Download in the App Store:

Not yet! But join our waitlist for first access.

Yes, you can download and use Coconote for free to get started. For best results, we recommend upgrading.